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Born Beneath Old Baldy (Signed)

Born Beneath Old Baldy (Signed)

Regular price $17.25 CAD
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The first nine years of my life were lived on our farm, south of the village of Kimberley, in the beautiful Beaver Valley, Grey County. Fifty-two years later, in 1997, I became reconnected to the area when my husband and I bought the house that my grandfather built in the village.

There are reminders of the past throughout the village of Kimberley if you have time to walk about. The sawmill pond and the grist mill pond are obvious, but there are some old foundations of barns, cement pads that were in front of long-gone buildings, stone pillars that used to mark the driveways of the Jasper Stuart house and Proctor house and now lie abandoned behind the houses near the church building

There are many stories to be told. I can only relate the ones I know either from memory or from what I have been told or have read. Any errors that are in this book are mine.

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