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An Echo In The Bone (Outlander, Book 7)

An Echo In The Bone (Outlander, Book 7)

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Jamie Fraser is an eighteenth-century Highlander. His wife, Claire Randall Fraser, is a surgeon--from the twentieth century. What she knows of the future compels him to fight. What she doesn't know may kill them both. With one foot in America and one foot in Scotland, Jamie and Claire's adventure spans the Revolution, from sea battles to printshop, as their paths cross with historical figures from Benjamin Franklin to Benedict Arnold. Meanwhile, in the twentieth century, their daughter, Brianna, and her husband experience the unfolding drama of the Revolutionary War through Claire's letters. But the letters can't warn them of the threat that's rising out of the past to overshadow their family.

Diana Gabaldon, 2010

Paperback, Very Good

830 pages


23.4 x 15.5 x 5 cm

Hardcover, 2009

Very Good

822 pages


24 x 16 x 5.5 cm

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