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Journey Into the Light: The Path to Enlightenment and Transformation

Journey Into the Light: The Path to Enlightenment and Transformation

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We hear many people talking and writing about the path to enlightenment in many ways. The path to enlightenment is not just a deja vu experience through a spiritual practice where suddenly you enter a new reality in your life. It is a committed annd very structured path. Many times we find our life is not working the way we planned it to manifest. Quite ioften we wake up to the fact that we have been practicing a spiritual ritual but it is not getting us where we want to be. You do not just step into your spiritual journey without some direction and preparation work to build a solid foundation before we embark on this path to enlightenment and evolvement. Some people think they can jump over the foundation building which provides support to release all the skeletons emotional baggage that filed in our minds data base. It does not work that way. This uis not the way the universal laws and spiritual principles have set up the path to enlightenment and transformation. Msny psths lead to transfiguaration but they all merge at some point into one where we must discipline ourselves to take control and full responsibility for our life journey into the future. No one can or will do it for you even though some Guru's and teacher say they can do it for you if you follow their path. It is an inside job where you have to take responsibility since you are appointed to direct your own path to transformation and enlightenment. To get on the path it will take concerted discipline to enter the path to transfiguration. There are twelve steps to transfiguration to a light body. You can not jump over any of the steps they must be done in order. This book lays out the path to entering the path to transforamtion to a spiritual being. This is a structured path for those who are ready to become apprentice earth masters. It can be considered tough by some and easy by others. Forgiveness and love is the key to peace, happiness, harmony, joy and unconditional ove and abundance. You can have it all now are you ready to step on the path to ascension? You can have it all now. Many time I heard people talk about this being their last lifetime on this planet yet I can see that their life is still fouled up with emotional garbage that they have not been willing to deal with. what I have been told by the SOURCE is that you can not ascend in a dirty body. What they meant was that was that you must clear all the emotional garbage befor you can enter the 5th dimensiion. Before you can begin your internship you have to follow these guidelines: 1.You have to heal the separation with self before you start the journey. 2.Overcome feelings of rejection 3.Release need for control opr authority over. 4. Releaase need to blame or judge 5. overcome need for validation or acceptance 6.reclaim personal power and become a cause in your your life to create your vour own reality 7. reach the point in awareness and detachment that leads to transformation and enlightenment. 8. At this point you are ready to begin your internship.

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