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Wake Up and Dream: Because You Can't See The Future If You're Still Asleep!

Wake Up and Dream: Because You Can't See The Future If You're Still Asleep!

Regular price $10.75 CAD
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Hit the Alarm button, then Wake Up & Dream!

There are three kinds of Dreams - Sleeping Dreams, Day Dreams, and Wide-Awake Dreams. You have no control over your Sleeping Dreams. You do control your Day Dreams, but let's face it - most people Day Dream to escape reality, not change it! But, with Wide-Awake Dreams, YOU are in control. When you are Wide-Awake, you can create a vision for your future, and that is the very first step towards Designing your Destiny.

In this book, Bill Quain will help you Wake Up and take control. You will learn how to:
- Spot the traps that most people never notice
- Cut through the clutter, and keep your wide-open eyes on the important things
- Create S.M.A.R.T. Dreams - the kind that motivate you to create an extraordinary lifestyle
- Help other people Wake-Up and join you on your journey, and
- Use a simple, but powerful technique to track your daily progress

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